Dec 14 2010

Piedmont Police Chief Offers Advice

Piedmont’s Police Chief John Hunt offers his perspective on how to view and respond to suspicious incident reports.  For citizens reporting a suspicious person or suspicious activity,  it is imperative to be accurate and concise in the description of behavior given to the dispatcher.  Hunt explains the process which the department follows once the report is received.  Based on the description of behavior, the police decide what level of response is appropriate. Officers are trained not to overreact because “those who come in contact and interact with police officers have their own life experiences, impressions, and fears that may hinder or influence their perception of a police officer.  Prior life experience can also make a big difference in how an individual interprets an interaction with a police officer.” Chief Hunt further points out that the department has an obligation to the community to take all reports seriously, once submitted.

Read Chief Hunt’s complete letter.

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