Feb 11 2011

Public Notice of February 24th Hearing on Moraga Sports Field


Moraga Canyon Sports Fields Project

Notice is hereby given that the City of Piedmont Planning Commission will hold a public hearing regarding the Moraga Canyon Sports Fields Project pursuant to City Council direction given at their public hearing of December 6, 2010. The hearing will be held on Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 6:30 pm in the City Council Chambers, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, CA.

Public testimony and comment at these hearings is encouraged. Written comments are invited in care of Kate Black, City Planner, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611 or by email to: kblack@ci.piedmont.ca.us. All written comments will be forwarded to the Planning Commissioners. This hearing can be viewed via “live” television on the Piedmont government access station, KCOM, Channel 27. Streaming video of the meeting is also available on the City Web Site at http://www.ci.piedmont.ca.us/video.


After extensive consideration by the City of Piedmont, the City Council formally Certified the Moraga Canyon Sports Fields Project Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) on December 6, 2010. In so doing, the City Council adopted a resolution that, among other things, approved findings that the:

  • FEIR has been completed in compliance with State Law (CEQA- California Environmental Quality Act).
  • City Council has reviewed and considered the information contained in the FEIR prior to any project approvals.
  • FEIR reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the City Council of the City of Piedmont, the lead agency for the Project.

Certification of the FEIR is not the same as approving the Project. Project approval is a separate step.

Prior to consideration of any project approval by the City Council, it was determined by the Council (upon the recommendation of the City Administrator), that the Project be referred to the City Recreation, Park and Planning Commissions for review and recommendations. This hearing notice is for such consideration by the Planning Commission.

The Planning Commission is not being asked to re-consider the FEIR, which has been certified as final, and which serves as an informational document for the Commission in its review of the project.

Structure – Focus:

Specifically, the Planning Commission will focus their consideration and make recommendations to the City Council based on the powers and duties of the Planning Commission as set forth in the City Charter and Section 25.3 of the Municipal Code, which states:

  • Section. 25.3 Powers and Duties of the Planning Commission It shall be the duty of the planning commission to investigate and make recommendations to the City Council concerning real property, subdivisions, lot building restrictions, planning and zoning matters as may be in the best interest of the City, and to grant or disapprove design review and variance applications. In addition, the commission shall have the following powers and duties:
  • (a)  To consider and make recommendations to the Council on matters affecting the design and aesthetics of buildings, structures and other improvements within the City;
  • (b) To consider and make recommendations to the Council regarding methods of encouraging and promoting good design in construction within the City in order to maintain the high quality of aesthetic values which make the City unique.

More specifically, the Commission may also consider, among other elements, the:

  • Project design and elements identified in the FEIR.
  • Significant and unavoidable impacts identified in the FEIR.
  • Mitigation measures identified in the FEIR.
  • Environmentally Superior Alternative as proposed by preparers of FEIR.
  • Other project alternatives identified in the FEIR, as well as alternative concepts that may be proposed by the public or Commission.

For further information, please contact Kate Black, City Planner at 420-3050.

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