Apr 8 2011

Budget Alert from the Piedmont Unified School District

Memorandum from Constance Hubbard, Superintendent of the Piedmont Unified School District

Per the information received at the Alameda County Superintendents’ Council yesterday (April 6, 2011), I wanted to alert all to the predictions for the May Revise pending. I am receiving several requests to either not reduce program or buy back programs that have been reduced recently. I want to be clear that my recommendation is to stay the course as planned.

The “May Revise” is predicted to reflect twice the reduction for which we planned or:  $2.1 Million in on-going reductions starting in 2011-12

The issue remains the number of unknowns at this point. We are concerned, but not panicked. We are also not recommending that we buy back program under any circumstances until the State has put its house in order. To do so at this time would be irresponsible. I am proceeding with the recommendations for approximately $300,000 in on-going program reductions and staffing per the plan presented at the Second Interim Report in March 2011. We have sufficient reserves to weather even this scenario through 2011-12 and to take the time to react in a thoughtful manner for the future based on “real” State Budget numbers once known.

I am distributing this as an urgent memo to ALL staff, Parent and Support Organizations and the newspaper because we cannot wait until the week of April 18, 2011 to get the word out (Spring Recess). This topic will be on the April 27, 2011 Board agenda.

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