Jun 6 2011

New Fee Schedule May Reduce Large Taxpayer Subsidy of Piedmont Pool

The proposed pool fee schedule has been revised after receipt of public input at the Budget Workshop.  It will be considered on Monday, June 6 by the Piedmont City Council.  The new schedule is intended to provide a revenue model for the pool which relies less on taxpayer subsidies and more on annual and seasonal pass sales.

The level of taxpayer subsidy of the pool is now budgeted at 50% of all operating costs, or $380,000.  This amount does not reflect capital costs, which will be 100% taxpayer funded.  Pool facility improvements of $600,000 are on the list of projects considered annually for Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) funding.  (See item 4.)  CIP spending is funded by the Piedmont General Fund.

Although, according to the proposed budget, Piedmont residents will subsidize 50% of pool costs, they will not receive priority in the sale of annual or seasonal passes over non-residents or City employees.  See latest pool fee schedule.

One Response to “New Fee Schedule May Reduce Large Taxpayer Subsidy of Piedmont Pool”

  1. Dear PCA,

    I am wondering where all of these people who will be coming to use the pool will park ? There are already many restricted parking places reserved for the city and school staff around the pool area, on Magnolia, Vista, Hillside, Bonita, etc., and now with the city recently taking away 12 more anytime parking places on Bonita near Vista for restricted city staff parking, there will be no parking for those who cannot walk or bike to the pool. Looking at the fee schedule it appears that membership for people who reside outside of Piedmont is only a $100.00 difference from a Piedmont tax payer per season which means that possibly many families from outside Piedmont may wish to join who are not tax payers in Piedmont, and thus they may have to drive and park all day? Where? It seems to me that we may be looking at a similar parking debacle like the city had when the adult/evening school was attended by so many individuals who were not Piedmont tax payers. Since the adult/evening school has been reduced in size the parking in and around City Hall, Havens, the middle school and high school, the rec center et al has been much more manageable …..

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