Moraga Canyon Sewer and Water Run Off Raised at Tax Review Committee
At the Municipal Tax Review Committee (MTRC) meeting on Wednesday, July 20, the Committee considered the City’s sewer tax and voted unanimously (8-0) to recommend a 50% increase in this tax, effective July 2, 2014. In response to a question, Public Works Director Chester Nakahara said that no costs for relocating the residential sewer lines that run beneath Blair Park are included in the City’s sewer program. The City’s program covers only improvements necessary to bring existing sewer lines into compliance with federal mandates.
City Administrator Geoff Grote added that relocation of Blair Park sewer lines would have to be paid by private parties as a City condition of the Moraga Canyon project approval. Plans and costs for dealing with sewer line relocations and underground cisterns, so far, have not been provided to the City by the Blair Park project proponents.
Piedmont resident Neil Teixeira reminded the Committee that underground cisterns would be required for the proposed Blair Park sports complex. (See prior letter.) He also noted that 100-year storms are now occurring every 26 years. He warned that a “1% spill” of storm water overflow could cost the City $49,000 in fines by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency.
Letters submited to the City in 2008 included concerns about hydrology issues in Moraga Canyon. Jeff Lindeman, General Manager and CFO of the Mountain View Cemetery wrote to the City of Piedmont on November 14, 2008, expressing concern about future run-off from sports fields. His letter was in response to the synthetic turf proposal for Coaches Field.
“We understand that the intent of this project is to funnel the additional runoff from the turf field into the cemetery’s drainage system and into the cemetery’s sequence of reservoirs. The City’s Initial Study fails to adequately assess the impact of drainage into the cemetery. An adequate study should include, but not be limited to, an assessment of a) calculations of changes in volume and duration of rain and irrigation water flows into the cemetery property from the project, b) impact of the project’s increased water flows on cemetery pond levels, drainage and erosion, c) impact on pond’s existing earth-dam integrity and capacity.” (At p. 37-38.)
The City will need a water permit from the Regional Water Quality Resources Board to make changes in the hydrology of Moraga Canyon.
At the MTRC July 20 I also raised the issue of relocation cost of the EBMUD 20″ distribution line that runs laterally across the widest part of Blair Park, and other utility systems. There was no response from Mr. Nakahara or Mr. Mamuyac who was in attendance.