Undergrounding Committee Meets Again on Sept 22
The City Council Audit Subcommittee will meet on Thursday, September 22nd at 7:30
p.m. to review and approve a preliminary report to the City Council.
The draft Preliminary Report and all the materials used by the subcommittee are available on-line. The committee may not issue a final report until after litigation involving the District has been concluded and matters in the litigation can be explored more fully.
In early 2010, the Piedmont City Council created the Audit Subcommittee to examine the City’s handling of the Piedmont Hills Underground Assessment District. The Subcommittee assigned each of its members to examine certain aspects of the City’s handling of the project. After their examination, each member prepared a draft report section. On March 15, 2011, the Subcommittee took public testimony on the draft report sections and directed staff to compile the three sections into a draft preliminary Report. The Subcommittee took testimony on the draft preliminary report at a second hearing on August 23, 2011. At that meeting, the subcommittee assigned Vice Mayor John Chiang to compile changes into a draft preliminary report.
Residents are encouraged to attend the September 22nd meeting to speak on this subject. Comments may be sent via e-mail to Interim City Clerk John O. Tulloch at jtulloch@ci.piedmont.ca.us or mailed to 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611. The meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 120 Vista Avenue. It will be televised on KCOM and available as streaming video on the City’s web page.