Is Your Kid Struggling in School? Bored?
A new resource for parents and teachers –
Last year Piedmont resident Bernard Pech was delighted to discover the free online educational Kahn Academy, the brainchild of one man producing tutorial videos to help his young cousins in Louisiana with their schoolwork. Pech’s explanation of the opportunities Kahn Academy offered to Piedmont children was covered on the PCA website on July 2 and 24, 2011. The creator of the videos, Salman Kahn and his much-expanded online academy (thanks to funding by Bill Gates and Google) was featured on CBS 60 Minutes (60 Minutes) on March 11, 2012 .
The Kahn Academy offers a multitude of free online 15-minute tutorials for K-12 students in almost every subject – math, science, history and more. The series of videos in a subject allows struggling kids to review material and bored kids to surge ahead to new material.
Links: Opinion: A New Educational Resource for Piedmont Kids?, Opinion on Khan Academy Spurs Piedmont Educational Interest, powerpoint presentation for Piedmont Schools by Pech on August 2, 2011.