2012-13 Proposed City Budget is Posted
3 Meetings to Deliberate Budget Choices –
Click to visit the 2012-2013 Proposed Budget for the City of Piedmont. The City Council will begin its discussion of the 2012-13 budget at a Saturday work session, on May 19, 2012 beginning at 9:00 a.m in the Police Department EOC.
The second and third budget discussions will include public hearings on June 4 and June 18, 2012. There will also be discussion on the levy of the Municipal Services Tax and the Sewer Tax.
The public is invited to attend these meetings and provide input to the Council about spending priorities for the City in the coming year.
For questions on contents of the budget, please contact Mark Bichsel, Finance/HR Director, via email at mbichsel@ci.piedmont.ca.us or by phone at 420-3045 with any questions.
To write to the Council regarding the budget, address your letter to City Council, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, 94611 or send an e-mail to the City Clerk at jtulloch@ci.piedmont.ca.us.