Rows of Chairs Identify the 4th of July Parade Route
Chairs Herald Piedmont’s Fourth of July Parade.
Since the last day of June, Highland Avenue has been lined with chairs of every sort and description. Chairs cover crosswalks and even a bus stop, as eager parade watchers place their chairs in the public right of way for front row seating. Some residents along Highland Avenue host a parade party.
Piedmont’s annual Fourth of July parade will flow down Highland Avenue from Park Way Avenue starting at 11:00 a.m.. Neighborhoods, musicians, antique cars, and organizations participate along with a yearly favorite, Piedmont’s own volunteer marching band. The parade terminates at the Main Park near the Excedra followed by music, food, and picnics in the park.
This photo shows chairs placed days before the parade in front of Wells Fargo Bank.
A LOT of residents I’ve talked to in the last few days are embarrassed by this phenomenon. It does not speak well for the folks in our town: “I’ve got mine. Too bad. You go somewhere else.” Besides, it is really ugly and ruins the serenity of the streetscape. What’s wrong with just showing up on the 4th to enjoy being with each other?
What is so funny about the people in prearranged chairs is that all the kids stand in front of them, then their parents have to go there to care for them and then the folks in the chairs can’t see the parade so they have to stand up.
We oldsters carry our little camp stools with us and have our comfort if needed and haven’t used up others’ parking strips or sidewalks ahead of time.
Maybe we should just double the distance of the parade – that way everyone can get a front-row curb spot without putting out chairs.