Jul 8 2012

Is Your Home Near an Alley or Shared Private Driveway?

Planning Commission to consider reducing setbacks and other changes to zoning requirements –

On Monday, July 9, the Piedmont Planning Commission will hold a public hearing regarding potential amendments to the setback provisions of alleys, lanes and driveways that serve two or more properties including reduction of required setbacks.

These proposed Chapter 17 Zoning Code changes are some of many being considered to facilitate planning and implement the  2011 Piedmont Housing Element resulting from lengthy negotiations with the State of California.  The zoning item will be number 9 on the Agenda.

The purpose of the hearing is to take public testimony on the subject, and provide an opportunity for Commission comments. The Planning Commission may give direction to staff for future hearings, but no formal action will occur at the meeting. Zoning changes will ultimately require City Council approval through the City’s ordinance process including further public hearings.

Staff encourages interested individuals to attend the hearing and express opinions and ideas. Alternatively, one may wish to watch the hearing on KCOM, cable 20 or by logging on to the city’s website at www.ci.piedmont.ca.us: on the right hand side of the homepage under the “City Council” heading, click on the “Online Video” link, then scroll down under the “Sections on this Page” heading, click on the “Planning Commission” link, then on the “July 9th meeting”, click on the “Video” link, and scroll down to Agenda #9 and start watching!

Comments may be made at the public hearing, submitted in writing to Kate Black, City Planner at 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611, or emailed to  kblack@ci.piedmont.ca.us.
For more details contact Kate Black at 510-420-3050.

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