Sep 27 2012

A letter from a member of the Municipal Tax Review Committee on whether vital City services will be cut – 

The wasteful spending of the Piedmont City Council in the last 4 years is indefensible so the proponents of extending the “Municipal Services Tax” (Measure Y on the November ballot) have retreated to their last refuge: predictions that defeat of the tax will reduce “vital services.” Other than claiming that paramedic services will be reduced (a ridiculous idea since nobody, but nobody, would entertain such a cut), their definition of “vital services” is utterly vague.  > Click to read more…

Sep 27 2012


  • Measure A1, Alameda County Oakland Zoo Parcel Tax
  • Measure B1, Alameda County Transportation Sales Tax
  • Measure Y, City of Piedmont Parcel Tax

The League of Women Voters of Piedmont will host a General Election Forum on Thursday, October 11 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Piedmont City Hall, 120 Vista Avenue.  Moderated by Jan Zovickian, the Forum will present both “pro” and “con” positions concerning local ballot measures.  The community is cordially invited to attend and hear the measures evaluated, as well as submit questions to the scheduled speakers.

Bill Hosler and Steve Hollis, members of the Piedmont Budget Advisory & Financial Planning Committee, will review Measure Y, Piedmont’s Parcel Tax, and the reasons to pass it, followed by Michael Rancer, Chair of the 2011 Piedmont Municipal Tax Review Committee, and Tim Rood, also of the Budget Advisory & Financial Planning Committee, who will explain reasons to vote against the measure. Time will be granted for audience questions.

Dr. Joel J. Parrott, Executive Director of the Oakland Zoo, will discuss reasons to vote for Measure A1, the Oakland Zoo Parcel Tax, and Laura Baker of the East Bay Chapter of the California Native Plant Society will speak against Measure A1 and the Zoo’s expansion plan.

Presenting the reasons to support Measure B1, the Alameda County Transportation Tax, will be Union City Mayor Mark Green, Chair of the Alameda County Transportation Commission, and Christopher J. Pareja, a small business owner and former congressional candidate in District 15, will outline the details for voting against it.

The League welcomes all to attend the Forum in person, or watch the live KCOM-TV broadcast on Channel 27 to learn more about the ballot measures before casting one’s vote on Tuesday, November 6.  Visit for more information.

Sep 27 2012

Leaders Explain Their Position on One Policy of the National Boy Scouts of America –

Why We Participate in Scouting

September 19, 2012

Over the summer the Boy Scouts of America reaffirmed its “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy regarding gay members and leaders.  As we understand the policy, it provides that while the BSA does not proactively inquire about the sexual orientation of employees, volunteers, or members, it does not grant membership to individuals who are open or avowed homosexuals and who engage in behavior that would become a distraction to the mission of the BSA.  As expected this announcement generated quite a bit of national media attention and resulted in a lot of questions and soul searching from scouts, scout parents and the community at large – not just in Piedmont but in towns across the country.

As individuals and long-time scout leaders, we each have thought long and hard about the BSA policy and are uncomfortable with the implication that by remaining in scouts we are somehow endorsing it.  Quite the opposite is true.  We would like all children and parents to feel > Click to read more…

Sep 27 2012

A Letter Points Out the 16 Municipal Tax Review Committee (MTRC) Recommendations to the Piedmont Post

To the Editor of the Piedmont Post

Dear Sir,

Not having heard from you, I was pleased to see that you not only printed my letter, but took the time to add an editor’s note disputing its accuracy – the first such note I’ve seen in any newspaper in my 46 years.

Since your note indicates that you were unable to find the 16 unanimous MTRC recommendations I referred to by searching the City website, may I direct you to pp. 6-8 of the MTRC report, which can be found on the City website at> Click to read more…

Sep 27 2012

The proposal to allow Beverages and More (BevMo!) permits for use of the former Block Buster Video Store on Piedmont Avenue was turned down by the Oakland Planning Commission. More information on the controversy and permit procedure can be viewed here.

Sep 24 2012

Superintendent Recommends No Change in Policy-

At its meeting on September 27, 2012, the Piedmont School Board will review its Interdistrict Transfer/Attendance Policy as it applies to non-resident grandchildren of Piedmont residents. > Click to read more…

Sep 24 2012

Bike/Pedestrian Plan Gains Traction-

On Tuesday, September 18, the City Council and Planning Commission held a joint meeting to discuss possible modifications to the requirements for Wireless Communications Facilities review, and planning for enhanced bicycle and pedestrian safety. > Click to read more…

Sep 23 2012

The City of Piedmont will conduct a neighborhood meeting on Monday, September 24, 2012, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers to present the results of a Wildwood Avenue traffic study prepared by Kittelson & Associates, Inc. > Click to read more…

Sep 23 2012

Construction of an access ramp to the future temporary home of the Piedmont Avenue Branch Library has begun.

The ramp, leading from Echo Avenue,  will take patrons to the side of an old school trailer, the library’s new home.  The library move was planned to be completed by the end of September.  To meet that schedule, will require all renovations and improvements to be completed promptly.

Meanwhile, the Piedmont Avenue Branch Library is still open on 41stStreet.  A “For Lease” sign was installed after the 30-day notice of intent to vacate.  The advertised rental rate returns the property to a market rate of $6,250 per month after three years of subsidized rent for the library, courtesy of the private owner.  > Click to read more…

Sep 23 2012

Love Oakland is a group of activist artists, and gardeners who donate their time and skill in an effort to make “Oakland the most beautiful city in the world.” > Click to read more…