Forum on School Funding and Proposition 30 on September 19
Impacts on Piedmont Schools Depend on November Vote-
The Piedmont League of Women Voters will present a forum titled “School Funding—Why Proposition 30 Matters to You” on Wednesday, September 19, from 7:3o to 9 p.m. at the Ellen Driscoll Theater, 325 Highland Ave., Piedmont. The program is free and open to the public.
Damon Smith, Associate Superintendent of Business Services, Alameda County Office of Education, will be the featured speaker. Mr. Smith will discuss Proposition 30 and a competing tax measure, Proposition 38, both of which will be decided by voters in the November election. Mr. Smith brings a wealth of experience in state-wide school finance and will be joined by Piedmont School District Superintendent Constance Hubbard, who will address impacts of the state tax measures on Piedmont schools. There will be a question and answer period following the presentations and information on how citizens can be involved to support funding for schools.
In state by state comparisons, California ranks among the lowest, at 47th place, in per-student funding and has the largest class sizes in the nation. In the last four years, California’s schools have lost $20 billion through budget cuts.
The California League of Women Voters has endorsed Proposition 30 and is neutral on Proposition 38.
More information may be found at