Sep 16 2012

Piedmont Graduate Chris Stevens Killed While Serving as Ambassador

School District Mourns Death of Chris Stevens, Ambassador to Libya –

Piedmont High School graduate J. Christopher Stevens, class of 1978,  the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, was killed in the Sept. 11, 2012 bombing of the U.S. Embassy  in Benghazi.

Mr. Stevens is remembered as the editor of the High School newspaper, The Highlander. He was an outstanding student, active in the PHS Model U.N. club, as well as active in the A.F.S. club.

In the 1978 Piedmont High yearbook his quote was: “What a bore it is, waking up in the morning always the same person. I wish I were unflinching and emphatic and had big eyebrows and a Message for the Age.”

Link to video of Ambassador Stevens speaking about his work:

Remembering Ambassador Chris Stevens

Information from the Piedmont Unified School District

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