School Board Seeks Input on Next School Parcel Tax
October & November School Board Meetings Open Discussions on Parcel Tax-
The Piedmont School Board Invites Public Input
The Piedmont School Board will decide whether to ask voters to renew the School Support Tax at a November 28 Special Meeting. At its next three regular meetings (October 10 and 24, and November 14), the Board will review and discuss options for the proposed measure, including duration, amount, potential to increase, and any potential exemptions. By November 14, the Board expects there will be a draft measure developed based on recommendations, discussion and public input. Given State funding cuts, the existing School Support Tax constitutes over 30% of the District’s budget and thus its renewal is incredibly important to the education of our community’s children. I encourage anyone who has input for the Board’s consideration in developing the proposal to be put to voters in March 2013 to attend one of the next three Board meetings or email Board members with your comments.
Thank you for your involvement!
Richard W. Raushenbush,
Board President Piedmont Unified School District
Editors’ Note: The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Piedmont Civic Association.