Oct 9 2012

Oct 15: Council to Vote on New Sports Contributions for Fields

Funding for City and School athletic fields –

At its meeting on Monday, October 15, the City Council will consider contributions to the Athletic Facilities Preservation Fund (AFPF) from community sports organizations.  The  Council established the fund on July 16, 2012 for the purpose of financing future athletic field renovation, maintenance or replacement.  [See related article on the Piedmont Patch]

AFPF funding will come from a $25 per player, per season, surcharge on participants in  City sponsored Recreation Department sports programs.  Surcharge fees received for programs held on City property will be held in the AFPF, while fees collected for programs held on Piedmont Unified School District property will be forwarded to the School District.

The Piedmont soccer, baseball, softball and lacrosse youth sports program leaders are anticipated to make a presentation to the City Council outlining a program in which these groups will also donate to the AFPF.

The matter of payment by the Piedmont community sports clubs  to the AFPF for use of city athletic fields was considered by the Recreation Commission on September 19, 2012. At that meeting, the sports clubs’ proposal was unanimously approved by the Commission:

Resolved, that the Recreation Commission recommends to the City Council that it accept the community sports clubs’ offer to contribute an amount equal to $25 per roster member per sport to the City’s and School District’s Athletic Facilities Preservation Funds, with the exact amount of said contribution to be allocated to each of the funds to be jointly determined by the City Council and the sports clubs; and,

Resolved Further, that the Commission recommends that the City Council address how athletic facility replacement projects will be proposed and prioritized.

Public testimony and comment is encouraged. Written comments should be directed to the Piedmont City Council c/o City Clerk, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611 or by email to jtulloch@ci.piedmont.ca.us.

The City Council meeting will be held at 7:30pm in the City Council Chambers, 120 Vista Avenue.  The meeting will be televised live on KCOM Channel 27 and will also be available through streaming video on the City Web Site: http://www.ci.piedmont.ca.us under on-line video.

For further information, contact City Recreation Director Mark Delventhal at 420-3073 or City Clerk John Tulloch at 420-3041.


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