Oct 21 2012

OPINION: Factual Information Missing on Measure Y

What Essential Services Would Suffer if Measure Y Fails –
As election day approaches I am urging people to use their heads and not their emotions and to vote No on Measure Y.

Why?  I have yet to hear an honest, forthright response from the City Manager or the City Council to requests for factual information on exactly which essential city services would suffer or be cut out if Measure Y fails to pass.

An informed electorate deserves facts, not half-truths nor appeals to “doom and gloom” scenarios.  No one has provided me or the rest of the voters with information from responsible sources that can be used to assist voters in their choice at the polls on November 6th.  Surrogates with opinions abound, but responsible city governance has been factually silent.

I believe in responsible city government with the best interest of the taxpayers, not vested interests, at heart.  Until I see this happen, I will vote No on Measure Y and urge other Piedmonters to do the same.

Jim McCrea, Piedmont Resident

Editors’ Note:  The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Piedmont Civic Association.  The Piedmont Civic Association does not support or oppose candidates or ballot measures. 


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