PCA Guidelines for Comments and Opinions
During the recent Measure Y campaign, the Piedmont Civic Association (PCA) received numerous Comments and Opinions, some of which have raised the need to restate our publication guidelines. PCA encourages reasoned discussion of civic issues through Comments and Opinions, and readers’ responses to specific Comments and Opinions are welcomed when they further debate and discussion. Personal attacks directed at individuals, however, do not meet PCA guidelines.
PCA is pleased to provide a public forum for Piedmont residents to express their views. Ideally, opinions, comments, and responses to comments offer thoughtful insights and add new perspectives. Often, the most persuasive arguments acknowledge the valid concerns and objectives of those on the other side.
The PCA goal is “to maintain and enhance Piedmont as a desirable community through the informed participation of its residents.” Comments and opinions that do not comply with PCA guidelines cannot expect to be published.
PCA, Thank you for upholding journalistic principles in Piedmont.