School Parcel Tax to be Placed on March 5 Piedmont Ballot
Election Campaign Begins November 30 –
The Board of Education members at their Special Meeting on Wednesday, November 28, voted unanimously to approve a resolution and place a new School Parcel Tax Measure on the March 5, 2012 ballot. Concerns regarding tax deductibility were overridden by the need for school funding. The current tiered-rate structure will be retained, allowing a lower tax for smaller parcels, rather than implementing a flat rate per parcel charge. The ballot measure requires a 2/3rds vote to pass.
The School Parcel Tax measure includes:
- A tiered parcel tax at an initial $2,000-$3,500 per year
- An 8 year term
Up to a 2% increase per year allowed (if levied by the School Board)- SSI recipient exemption
- No senior or low income discounts or exemptions
- Tax oversight will be provided by a subcommittee of the Budget Advisory Committee rather than the current independent committee. Any interested citizen or staff may attend as a member of the public.
- Oversight subcommittee members must be Piedmont homeowners and not a current member of PUSD staff; former staff will be permitted.
- Oversight subcommittee members will be limited to 3 to 5 members selected from the Budget Advisory Committee by the President and Vice President of the Board of Education.
- An oversight subcommittee charge will be approved by the Board at a future time.
Oversight subcommittee meetings and Budget Advisory Committee meeting will be publicly noticed and open to the public.
- A tiered parcel tax based on current parcel size ranges will be retained, rather than changing to a per square footage charge for structures or lots or a flat rate per parcel.
Final refinements to the resolution and ballot measure will be made by the Superintendent prior to submitting them to the Alameda County Registrar of Voters and Alameda County Board of Supervisors. The Board thanked the numerous individuals who communicated with the Board, the Advisory Committee and the Chairs of the Parcel Tax Campaign Committee. The kick off for the campaign begins on Friday, November 30.