April 10: School Board to Consider Measure A Tax Review, School Modernization, Alan Harvey Theatre
Teacher Contract Openers, Measure A Tax Review Subcommittee, Modernization Plans, Next Year School Calendar – all on agenda –
The Piedmont Unified School District Board will consider the following items, among others, at its April 10 meeting in City Council Chambers, 120 Vista Avenue, starting at 7:00 pm.
– Presentation: Alan Harvey Theatre Design Concept
– Conduct Public Hearing for 2013-14 Contract Openers Between the District and the Association of Piedmont Teachers (APT)
Contract openers between the District and APT are being “sunshined” for public inspection and comment over the next four weeks. The Board will hold a final public hearing and take action on the reopeners at the May 8, 2013 meeting, after which time negotiations will begin. The negotiation meetings are confidential.
– Update District Modernization Program Decision Timeline
The Board will review the proposal for development of the Modernization Program and provide direction to staff as to next steps.
– Review and Approve Charter for the School Support Tax Advisory Subcommittee (Measure A)
The Board is requested to approve the charter establishing the School support Tax Subcommittee, which shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Board to help review and project the financial needs of PUSD with respect to the levy of the voter-approved School Support Tax, Measure A. The Subcommittee shall conduct an independent examination of the District’s budget and related documents prior to making formal recommendations in their annual report to the Board.
– Approve Revised 2013-14 Instructional Calendar
The Board is requested to approve a Revised 2013-14 Instructional Calendar that reflects Parent Club support of the buy-back of two furlough days.
Link to the agenda.
Link to staff information.