Apr 7 2013

April 9: Budget Advisory and Financial Planning Committee Meeting

Sewers, Pensions, Public Employee Pension Reform Act, Piedmont Police and Fire Pension Plan,  and Actuarial Valuation of Retiree Medical promise an important Piedmont financial planning meeting.

On Tuesday, April 9, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room, the Budget Advisory and Financial Planning Committee will consider items critical to Piedmont’s financial stability.  The public can attend and participate in the meeting.  There will be no audio or written record kept of meeting discussion or presentations. Additionally, no broadcast via the internet or cable TV will be available. Staff reports have not been distributed.  Verbal presentations are expected at the meeting.


1. Sewer Update

2. Pension Update:

a. AB 340 California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2012 (PEPRA)b. Review Municipal Code Chapter 26 – Piedmont Police & Fire Pension Plan

3. Review City’s Actuarial Valuation as of June 30, 2012 for Retiree Medical

4. Discussion of how the Budget Advisory Committee communicates recommendations to the City Council 

5. Correspondence regarding the City’s Business Tax on Rental Property

6. Date of future meetings

7. Consideration of future agenda items 

One Response to “April 9: Budget Advisory and Financial Planning Committee Meeting”

  1. Having moved to Oakland I have become acutely aware of the crime situation. Homeowner’s Associations are hiring private patrols, setting up cameras etc.
    One issue you should look into regarding the installation of license plate reading cameras is the question of how many crimes involve an automobile that has
    1. no plates (removed or covered or coated so that they cannot be read by a camera)
    2. stolen plates
    3. the automobile was stolen immediately before the crime for that purpose.

    So plate readers may help, but are certainly NO PANACEA!
    The rate of unuseful plate #’s in Oakland is high. And I have discovered that many of my well-educated neighbors here in Oakland aren’t even aware that Piedmont is a separate city, so how many criminals know that??

    Good Luck!

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