Apr 26 2013

EBMUD Fee Increases Hearing: June 11

Public Hearing on water and wastewater rate increases –

The hearing will be held Tuesday, June 11, 2013, at 1:15 p.m. in the EBMUD Board Room, 375 11th Street, in Oakland.  Fee increase protests must be in writing and follow EBMUD procedures.

Every property owner and tenant within the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) should have received in the mail a detailed explanation of significant changes to the fees charged for both their water usage and wastewater services.

The overall proposed rate increase for water usage is 9.75% in the first year and 9.50% in the second year.  The overall proposed rate increase for wastewater is 9.00% in the first year and 8.50% in the second year. The proposed increase will be effective for services provided and billed on or after July 1, 2013 and July 1, 2014, respectively.

Concerned individuals can contact www.ebmud.com for more information related to the proposed fees.    Phone 1-866-403-2683.   Formal protests must be in writing and sent to EBMUD at:

EBMUD, MS 218, PO Box 24055, Oakland, CA 94623-1055

or present protest in person at 375 11th Street, Oakland, CA

See EBMUD mailing for specific information required in any protest.

Piedmont’s elected representative on the EBMUD Board, Katy Foulkes, can be contacted directly at kfoulkes@ebmud.com.


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