School Budget Advisory Committee Meeting: May 23
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), Governor’s May Budget Revise, and Shaping Our Future are on the agenda.
The Budget Advisory Committee meeting will be held Thursday, May 23, 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. in the Piedmont Unified School District Office Board Room at 760 Magnolia Avenue. The Budget Advisory Committee is under the direction of the Superintendent. The members of the Committee have not been announced. There will be no broadcast of the meeting, but the public may attend and participate in the meeting.
The Measure A School Support Tax Subcommittee members will be selected from the Budget Advisory Committee members. According to the tax measure, the Subcommittee is responsible for advising the School Board annually on the need for levying the Measure A parcel tax.
If an additional meeting is deemed necessary, it will be held on June 6 at the same time and location.
“The Program/ Budget Advisory Committee is a standing committee with representatives from all stakeholders in the District. Its purpose is to review the District’s Budget, share the information with constituent groups and generate recommendations for Board consideration in the Budget development process. Members will be asked to serve in rotation for a one to two year cycle. Responsibilities will include attendance at meetings and sharing of information with their representative group and to represent the interests of all programs and services for the District as a whole.
The Budget is fluid and therefore under constant “revision” as revenues and expenditures are clarified. The Program/Budget Advisory Committee is a vehicle to disseminate information to as many parents, students, staff and community members as possible. The Committee is advisory in nature and will not have decision-making responsibilities.”
For further information or comments contact:
Superintendent Constance Hubbard,
Sandy Spiker, Adm. Asst. to Supt.,, 594-2614
School Board Members:
Richard (Rick) Raushenbush, President,
Andrea Swenson, Vice President,
Sarah Pearson,
Ray Gadbois,
Roy Tolles (E. Leroy),