New Flu Clinics in Piedmont
– Flu shots can be conveniently obtained in Piedmont. –
The Sutter Visiting Nurses Association and Piedmont Appreciating Diversity Committee (PADC) will offer three flu clinics in October at the Ellen Driscoll Playhouse, 325 Highland Avenue. You can walk over with friends, family or colleagues and get everyone inoculated before flu season begins. Two clinics are offered after school and one during a professional development day when students are not in school. Dates and times are as follows:
• Friday, October 4, 4:00-6:00pm
• Monday October 14, 10:00am-1:00pm (no school, professional development day)
• Monday, October 21, 4:00-6:00pm
Flu shots are $25, flu mist (preservative free) is $30, and pneumonia shots are $70. Reimbursement varies by insurance coverage, but nurses will be available to help interpret codes. Medicare B is eligible for full reimbursement. Cash or check is accepted; credit cards are not.
All proceeds from the clinics support the mission of Sutter Care at Home, which provides home health care and hospice services to those in need, regardless of ability to pay. Sutter Visiting Nurses are part of Sutter Care at Home, a local, non-profit health care provider. PADC’s mission is to promote and practice inclusiveness, foster an appreciation of differences, and raise global awareness within Piedmont and surrounding communities.