Oct 27 2013

Bicycle Pedestrian Planning Workshop Wednesday, October 30

–  Public Workshop: How to Make Walking and Biking in Piedmont Safer and Easier – 

All are invited to attend and participate in the City Workshop on the New Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan Wednesday, October 30 , 7-8:30 pm at the Piedmont Community Hall.  The meeting will give citizens the chance to express their concerns about pedestrian and bicycle safety. This is the “needs assessment” phase of the planning project.

The City of Piedmont Planning Commission will host a public workshop on the recently launched process to develop Piedmont’s first Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan (PBMP). The purpose of the workshop is to hear from members of the community about the needs and concerns of pedestrians and cyclists in Piedmont; the obstacles and challenges to walking and biking in our city; and the public’s ideas for making walking and biking in Piedmont safer and easier. The input will be used to develop and prioritize recommended improvements throughout the city.

 “This workshop is one of the most important opportunities for
members of the public to find out more about the plan, and provide comments on how we can identify existing problems and arrive at solutions to make walking and biking in Piedmont safer and more convenient. The input will be used to develop and prioritize recommended physical improvements throughout the city.”  Kate Black, City Planner

In order to hear from as many people as possible, the City has also developed an online survey on the same subject (www.surveymonkey.com/s/WalkBikePiedmont). Everyone who responds to the survey will be eligible to win one of three donated $25 gift cards for Mulberry’s Market (courtesy of the City’s consultant on the PBMP). The survey will remain open through November 16, 2013.

People are also encouraged to email any additional thoughts and comments on the needs and challenges to walking and biking in Piedmont to Kate Black, City Planner, at kblack@ci.piedmont.ca.us.

In the meantime, the City is wrapping up an “existing conditions” report for the PBMP. This background report summarizes existing local conditions and issues relevant to walking and biking in Piedmont. It covers such topics as the city’s street network, key destinations around the city, facilities for walking and biking, and collision statistics.

The report will be made available to the public for review and comment once it has been finalized. The PBMP is being funded entirely through a grant from the Alameda County Transportation Commission (CTC; www.alamedactc.org) and through the City’s existing funds for pedestrian and bicycle improvements (pass-through Measure B funds), also distributed by the Alameda CTC.

For more information about the PBMP, contact Kate Black at kblack@ci.piedmont.ca.us or at (510) 420- 3063

One Response to “Bicycle Pedestrian Planning Workshop Wednesday, October 30”

  1. Residents interested in the bike/ped plan should visit the city’s website and see the latest draft documents prepared for the study so far. They are the Existing Conditions briefing:


    and a map of bike routes and pedestrian pathways in town and where collisions have occurred:


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