Mar 23 2014

Public Hearing on School Tax Levy March 26

Annually, the Piedmont Board of Education is required to hold two public hearings on levying the Measure A parcel tax. The March 26 hearing is the first of the two hearings. The second hearing is scheduled for April 9.

The Measure A Subcommittee of the Budget Advisory Committee has recommended to the Board that the maximum amount be levied. Consequently, for fiscal year 2014-15 a 2% increase on the $2,406 parcel tax amount is expected. The public hearing will begin at approximately 8:10 p.m., following the 7 p.m. start of the Board meeting.

Comments on the tax levy can be addressed to all Board Members via  Below is the School District’s announcement.

“At their regular Board meeting of Wednesday, March 26, 2014, the Board of Education will discuss the levying of Measure A to be assessed for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014. In compliance with Government Code Section 6061 and ballot language, the Board will hold a public hearing and take action on the taxes at the Board meeting of April 9, 2014, which will be held in the Council Chambers of the Piedmont City Hall at 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, California. The public is invited to provide comment at either Board meeting or by email at the Board of Education at

2 Responses to “Public Hearing on School Tax Levy March 26”

  1. When was the last time that the maxium increase amount was NOT taken?

  2. The legally required hearings are done to give the impression that the Board takes into consideration all segments of the community. The Board always takes the maximum allowed tax.

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