Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan Hearings plus Survey Results
New traffic signals, painted bike lanes, speeding vehicles, poor lighting, additional parking restrictions, and many other matters impacting pedestrians and bikes will be aired at two public hearings. There were 263 individuals who responded to a City Survey. Read filtered responses from the City Survey and links to the proposed Bike and Pedestrian Plan.
The hearings will be on:
July 2 – 5:30 p.m., Council Chambers – The Piedmont Recreation and Park Commissions Joint Meeting
a) Introduction of Consultant Niko Letunic, Urban Planner & Kate Black, City Planner: Mr. Letunic and Ms. Black will present a brief follow up presentation of the proposed Ped/Bike Plan.
b) Question and Answer Period: Questions for staff and Mr. Letunic regarding Master Plan and the process.
c) Public Testimony: Members of the public will be invited to comment regarding the Master Plan and the process. Speakers will be encouraged to keep their comments to a three minute time limit.
d) Close Public Testimony
e) Commission Deliberations & Comments: Comments will be forwarded to the Planning Commission and City Council.
July 14 – 5 p.m. , Council Chambers – Planning Commission
Agenda is not yet available, but is expected to be similar to the above agenda.
Both the hearings can be viewed at home via KCOM Channel 27 or the City website
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City’s Announcement ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“In July, the Piedmont Recreation and Park Commissions (in a joint meeting on July 2 at 5:30pm) and the Planning Commission (on July 14 at 5pm) will hear presentations on recent progress in the planning process for the City’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan (PBMP). Both hearings will be located inPiedmont’s City Hall Council Chambers at 120 Vista Avenue.
The purpose of the hearings is for City staff and its project consultant will to present and receive feedback on the “implementation strategy” for the plan—namely the prioritization, funding and phasing of projects and other improvements that will make up the plan.
The implementation strategy is an interim step in the planning process; based on feedback at the hearings, the list of high-priority projects (and other aspects of the strategy) will be refined and presented more broadly to the public as part of the draft Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, beginning in August.
The prioritization of projects will be based in large part on feedback received from Piedmonters and other stakeholders on ideas presented to the community in recent months. An important opportunity for feedback was through an online survey that ran for four weeks in February and March and received more than 260 responses. The summary of the survey results, as well as the full list of comments received through the survey is available here.
The hearings will be additional opportunities for the public to find out more about the plan and to voice their opinions. At both hearings, the City’s project consultant and City staff will be available to answer questions from the Commissioners and members of the public.
You are encouraged to attend the July meetings, or you may wish to watch the public hearing on KCOM, cable 27. Alternatively, if you want to watch the meeting live or later after the meeting, you can do so by logging on to the City’s website at on the right hand side of the homepage under the “KCOM” heading, click on the “On-line Video” link, then scroll down under the “Sections on this Page” heading, click on the “Park Commission” or “Planning Commission” link, then on the “July 2, 2014” or “July 14, 2014”, and click on the “Video” or “In Progress” link and start watching!”
The PBMP is being funded entirely through a grant from the Alameda County Transportation Commission (CTC; and through the City’s existing funds for pedestrian and bicycle improvements (pass-through Measure B funds), also distributed by the Alameda CTC. |
Janet Chang, Planning Technician, 510-420-3094 Kate Black, City Planner, 510-420-3063