Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan and CEQA Oct 13
The Planning Commission will consider the Draft Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan (PBMP) as well as the Draft of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) document on Monday, October 13. The meeting will begin at 5 pm in the Council Chambers in Piedmont City Hall (120 Vista Avenue). A presentation of the Draft PBMP will be made by the City’s consultant, who will be available for questions. The public is invited to speak at the meeting. This meeting will be broadcast on KCOM Channel 27 and from the City website.
The draft of the PBMP was available for public review on August 8th and inspired more than 25 comments by members of the public through October 1st.
The Commission may choose to recommend the October 1st version of the Draft PBMB, or may wish to make modifications. If the Initial Study and Negative Declaration under CEQA and Draft PBMP are recommended for approval by the Planning Commission, staff will forward the documents, including any recommended revisions and/or comments, to the City Council for consideration at the November 3, 2014 meeting.
The Draft Plan and Preliminary Draft of the CEQA document can be accessed at the following links:
Draft Piedmont Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan dated October 1, 2014 (This large 112 page document may take some minutes to download or require a larger memory than some devices.)
Draft of the CEQA Initial Study/Negative Declaration