Dec 10 2014

Piedmont Schools and Schoolmates Staying Open During Storm

The following announcement has been sent to all Piedmont School District families:

December 10, 2014

PUSD Families,

This afternoon we learned that a few school districts across the Bay Area have decided to close schools on Thursday, December 11th due to the approaching storm.  Oakland Unified, San Francisco Unified, Novato Unified, and other north bay school districts have decided to close schools, citing safety concerns for transportation due to anticipated flooded highways and roads.

All schools in PUSD will remain OPEN tomorrowThursday, December 11th PUSD maintenance staff is on-call this evening and has been prepping for the oncoming storm over the last few days.  We have confirmed with Schoolmates that they will also remain OPEN tomorrow.


Constance Hubbard, Superintendent–

“Together We Teach”Constance Hubbard, Superintendent
Piedmont Unified School District
760 Magnolia Avenue
Piedmont, CA  94611

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