Feb 15 2015

Traffic Delays and Disruptions on Moraga Avenue

– There will be emergency road work on Moraga Avenue beginning on February 17th and continuing for approximately four weeks. – 

The City of Piedmont will be performing emergency work to replace sanitary sewer pipes on Moraga Avenue between the intersection of Monte Avenue and the eastern City limits. The work is planned to take place on weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Due to the logistics of working in a busy street, traffic control measures, including restricting traffic to a single lane, will be necessary. Because of this, there will be traffic delays and disruptions on Moraga Avenue during this work.

Your awareness, cooperation, and patience is appreciated. If you have any questions related to this matter, or would like the City to be aware of any special circumstances, please call Dave Frankel, Maintenance Supervisor at (510) 207- 2114 or the Public Works Department at (510) 420-3050.

Information provided by the Piedmont City Clerk.


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