CIP Committee Meeting Thursday, February 19
The Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Committee will be meeting in the City Hall conference room on Thursday, February 19 at 7 p.m. The meeting will not be broadcast or recorded, but is open to the public. The CIP Review Committee is composed of seven members, 4 appointed by the City Council, chairs of both the Recreation and Park Commission, plus the current President of the Piedmont Beautification Foundation, a private organization benefiting Piedmont.
The Committee makes recommendations to the City Council on Piedmont’s major improvement projects. Citizens may propose projects on a Citizen Proposal Form, available from City Hall. Many past projects have originated from the City staff and the Piedmont Beautification Foundation.
The February 19 CIP agenda includes:
Public Forum – When anyone may address the Committee on a matter not on the agenda.
1. Welcome and introductions
2. Election of Chair
3. Committee Roster, length of terms – The newly constituted Committee membership has not been made public.
4. Charge to the Committee, process, purpose, structure, objectives, etc. This will be a staff report with information available at the meeting.
5. CIP project status report – The project list can change from prior years depending on current preferences, funding, and completion of projects.
6. Review of proposed work schedule and CIP tour – Last year, a tour was held at various sites resulting in a recommendation to the City Council that Hampton Field should be the priority for the use of Piedmont’s $500,000+ entitlement from the voter approved East Bay Regional Park District bond funds.
In the past, staff proposals have included various projects from curtains to medians.
7. Future meeting dates – Staff has proposed a list of meetings and bench marks.
Hand outs will be made available to those present at the Committee meeting.
For questions or additional information on the CIP Review Committee, contact Mark Feldkamp, Parks and Project Manager at 510/420-3064 or
Citizen proposals for projects will also be considered by the CIP committee. The Ronanda-Ramona and Kingston-Rose traffic triangles were initiated by citizen proposals. Sounds like the meeting on 2/19 is administrative and will not consider proposals so residents interested in submitting CIP proposals for their neighborhood should contact Mark Feldkamp and determine when the deadline is.