PUSD Auditing Immunization Records of Students
Time for Immunizations Between Summer Fun and Vacations?
The Piedmont Unified School District (PUSD) is reviewing the immunization records of all students this month. By July 15 parents should receive a letter notifying them if their students lack any required immunizations. Documentation any missing current immunizations will be required prior to August 17. Students who are not up to date will not receive their class schedules and can not attend school until their immunization records are complete and up to date.
PUSD nurses, Joan Edelstein or Tola Williams can be reached at 594-2751 or by email (jedelstein@piedmont.k12.ca.us or awilliams@piedmont.k12.ca.us).
The Piedmont Unified School District’s Board of Education unanimously endorsed SB 277 (Resolution 15-2014-15) on June 10, 2015. SB277 is intended to increase vaccination rates in schools and protect community immunity against sometimes deadly diseases by eliminating the personal belief exemption (PBE) from school immunization requirements.
On Thursday, June 25, California legislature passed Senate Bill 277, which mandates vaccinations for all schoolchildren regardless of their parents’ personal or religious beliefs, on a 46-to-30 vote. On Monday, June 29 the Senate will again vote its approval of the bill in its final form and send it to Gov. Jerry Brown for his signature.