Aug 17 2015

GET READY PIEDMONT Launches the Day of the Earthquake

Piedmont’s Public Safety Committee published it’s new disaster preparedness manual within hours of the earthquake on Monday. Get Ready, Piedmont is a 50 page guide packed with information on preparing for and responding to, earthquakes, fires, landslides, and other emergencies. Chapters include: Vital Documents, Insurance, Living Without Power, Sanitation, Water and Food.

Using the Mill Valley, Belvedere and Tiburon guides as a model, the manual has been adapted to Piedmont. It is available online here and in several locations on the City website. Citizens are invited to print it at home in whole or in part to fit the needs of individual Piedmont families.

For additional information, please call Public Safety Committee Chairman Lyman Shaffer at (510) 780-6996.

One Response to “GET READY PIEDMONT Launches the Day of the Earthquake”

  1. Yesterday’s 4.0 earthquake was a prophetic wake-up call for residents to read the Get Ready Piedmont Guide and prepare their homes for the 7.0 earthquake that is expected to occur within the next 25 years. In particular, residents can quickly assemble their emergency supply kits by reviewing the checklists on pages 7 and 8 of the Guide.
    If you have already prepared you home for the earthquake, organize your neighborhood by scheduling a neighborhood preparedness meeting through the Piedmont Public Safety Committee. You will be provided training on how to implement Map Your Neighborhood, a DIY quide for residents to set up response teams for their neighborhoods.
    510-420-3010 and request MYN training.

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