Council and School Board Members Meet to Discuss: Planning, Parking, Litter, Pool, Recreation Building, Police Emergency Training and Landscaping
District Facilities Master Planning Process, District Assistance with Litter in Main Park, Civic Center Parking Issues, City Facilities Planning – Space Analysis for the Recreation Building and Study of Options for Possible New Aquatic Facility, Police Department Training “Response to Mass Casualty,” Holiday Book Drive, and Landscaping Issues are on the agenda for discussion.
The School Board/City Council Liaison meeting will be held Tuesday, August 25, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Conference Room. The meeting is open to the public for participation and comments. Because of construction work, participants must enter City Hall through the entrance to the Fire Department. The meeting will not be broadcast.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015 4:00 p.m.
City Hall Conference Room, City Hall,
120 Vista Avenue,
The agenda is below.
Open Forum: Public participants may speak to items not on the agenda – overall time limit – 10 minutes.
Public participants may address the following items as they come up on the agenda.
1. Briefing by District on Progress with the Facilities Master Planning Process
2. Discussion of Littering in Main Park and Opportunities for District to Assist with Control
3. Discussion of Civic Center Parking Issues
4. Discussion on City Facilities Planning:
(a) Space Analysis for the Recreation Building
(b) Study of Options for Possible New Aquatic Facility
5. Briefing on Police Department “Response to Mass Casualty” Training
6. Discussion of Landscaping Issues
7. Discussion of the Annual City/School Holiday Book Drive
8. Schedule of Future Meetings
(a) November, 17, 2015
(b) February 9, 2016
(c) April 26, 2016