Sep 22 2015

Public Safety Committee Encourages Public Involvement

The next meeting of the Piedmont Public Safety Committee in on

September 24, Thursday, at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

All members of the public can speak to items on the agenda or bring up a new issue or idea under Public Forum.  The meeting will not be broadcast on KCOM or the city’s website.


Public Forum: This is an opportunity for members of the audience to speak on an item not on the agenda. The 10 minute period will be divided evenly between those wishing to address the committee.

1. Update on Neighborhood Meetings

2. Report on Signups at Piedmont Soccer Photo Day Event

3. Update on CodeRed/Everbrite Emergency Notification System Transition

4. Update on School Liaison Activities

5. Update on Get Ready Piedmont Brochure

6. Update on Promoting Map Your Neighborhood Presentations

7. Discussion and Approval of Disaster Preparedness Checklist Document

8. Discussion of Initiatives Regarding October Shakeout Events

9. Discussion of 2016 Committee Meeting Dates

10. Update on City EOC Protocols and Response Manual

The charge to the committee is:

1. Investigate ways to increase public participation in crime reduction strategies, including but not limited to the following:

a. Neighborhood meetings

b. City-wide meetings

c. School events

d. Web-based and other community networks

2. Increase public participation in disaster preparedness, using the resources of the Public Safety Committee.  Members of the Committee shall directly work to organize increased public participation of those programs/events approved by the Public Safety Committee.

3. Provide a forum for residents to share comments, issues or concerns regarding public safety issues, including crime prevention, community outreach, disaster preparedness education and training and the like.

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