Dracena Park Off-leash Dog Area: Wed. Feb. 3 Park Commission Public Hearing
The Piedmont Park Commission will meet on Wednesday, February 3 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located in City Hall, 120 Vista Avenue.
The Commission will discuss the issue of the Dracena Park off-leash dog area and make a recommendation to the City Council. To date there have been differing opinions on how the upper grassy area and redwood dell of Dracena Park should be used.
The public is invited to contribute to the discussion.
February 3 Agenda:
Public Hearing on Dracena Park off-leash dog area
Update on Crocker Park Garage Pool Equipment Relocation
Update on Hampton Park, Brick Donation Fund Raising
Update on Crocker Park Garage
Update on Highland Garden Walk
The meeting will be broadcast live on Cable Channel 27 and via the City of Piedmont website. < click
Read detailed Dracena Park staff report and history here.
Read previous article on Dracena Park off-leash dog area here.
A quick synopsis of the proposal the Park Commission will be considering and likely voting on:
-addition of an OFF-leash 10-20 foot swath of lawn from the oak tree to the pathway leading to the seating area. A stone wall is proposed to define the transition from OFF to ON leash lawn.
-OFF-leash allowed on the pathways leading to the lawn from Artuna.
-ON-leash required for dogs entering from Blair Avenue and passing through to the seating area and visa versa.
-the lawn loop will be 50/50 OFF and ON leash, the section nearest Dracena Avenue now being ON leash, the lower portion OFF leash. Gates are propsoed at two points along the loop to define the transitions. Owners will no longer be allowed to walk their dog OFF leash entirely around the loop.
-reduced OFF-leash area around the seating area in the woods. All understroy from the pathway to Dracena Ave is now ON-leash – no dogs in the ivy. Benches are turned around to face the woods.
-reduced hours of use – 7:00am – 8:00pm on weekdays, 8:00am – 8:00pm weekends
-possible addition of dog fountain.
These recommendations are predicated on the conclusion that:
-current OFF leash area and signage as defined in City Code is incorrect
-Piedmont Parks are 31% OFF-lease to dogs already. That number is arrived at by adding up all the off-leash areas in Linda, Piedmont, Dracena and Blair parks, irregardless of slope. In particular, Blair Park is considered 100% acceptable as an OFF-leash dog run.
In the staff report there is a summary of the proposed code language that will define the rules and a map of Dracena Park with the new OFF- and ON-leash areas.
Park Commission mtg tomorrow at 5:30 in City Hall.
Send comments to nkent@ci.piedmont.ca.us