City Capital Improvement Program: Monday, Feb. 8
Meeting on City capital expenditures
CIP Review Committee Agenda for Monday, February 8, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Conference Room, 120 Vista Avenue
How the City spends its available capital dollars is considered by the CIP Review Committee composed of:
Ryan Gilbert – Term Expires 6/16
Susan Herrick – Term Expires 6/18
Bobbe Stehr – Term Expires 6/17
Jamie Totsubo – Term Expires 6/17
President of the Piedmont Beautification Foundation (PBF) Deborah Van Nest
Park Commission Chair Patty Siskind
Recreation Commission Chair Stephen Mills
- 1. Introduction of Committee Members and Election of Chair
- 2. Presentation by Councilmember Bob McBain on the Current and Future Direction of the CIP Review Committee
- 3. Review of Proposed Work Schedule for the CIP Review Committee for Fiscal Year 2016-2017
- 4. Review of Solicitation Methods for Public Input on Potential CIP Projects
- 5. Presentation on Current CIP Projects and CIP Wish List
The meeting is open to the public for participation. No broadcast or recording of the meeting will be available. Meeting materials can be obtained at the meeting or potentially prior to the meeting by contacting the City.