Planning Commission Hearing on Revisions to the Zoning Code and Residential Design Review Guidelines Monday, March 14
The Piedmont Planning Commission will receive staff reports on the possible revisions to the City’s Zoning Code (Chapter 17) and Residential Design Review Guidelines at the end of its Monday, March 14 meeting. The two reports by Kevin Jackson, Interim Planning Director, are intended to inform the public and the Commission on the status of planned updates to Chapter 17.
The Code amendments are “extensive and complicated” according to Jackson in the reports totaling 43 pages that discuss, describe and outline the revisions. (Reports to be available on Monday night at the meeting.) At the public hearing the Commission will take testimony from members of the public on the revisions under consideration. The Commission may then provide comments or direction to the staff on updates and revisions to the City’s Zoning Code and Residential Design Review Guidelines.
Revisions focusing on second units include : incentives to support development of new second units; monitor opportunities for units in homes that do not yet have them; collecting information on occupancy and rents charged; monitor vacant units; reduce off-street parking requirement; and maintain an inventory of available units for extremely low income families.
Other revisions include the addition of multiple family developments and mixed use developments to the conditionally permitted uses in Piedmont’s commercial zone.
In September 2015, the City Council determined that house swaps should not be regulated, but short term rentals (including online peer to peer such as AirBnB ) should be prohibited in second units and apartments. In November 2015, the Planning Commission recommended prohibition of all short term rentals in Piedmont.
The goal is to complete the work by the end of 2016.
Agenda < for March 14, 2016 Planning Commission meeting
The Planning Commission meeting on Monday, March 14 will begin in the City Hall courtyard with a design awards reception. The actual design awards ceremony will follow in the City Council Chambers. The regular session of the Commission will begin at 6 pm with the hearing on updates and revisions to the City’s Zoning Code (item 15) and Residential Design Review Guidelines (item 16) to occur at an unknown time at the end of the meeting, following consideration of applications for variances and design review of various residents’ construction projects.
Suggested revisions > Report Design Guidelines Changes 3-14-2016
Suggested revisions > Planning Commission Report Ch 17 Changes 3-14-2016 – Draft
Read the existing Residential Design Review Guidelines here.
Read the existing Chapter 17 here.
The meeting is open to the public and will be live broadcast on Channel 27 and webcast on the City’s website.