May 1 2016

Flashing Pedestrian Signs at Oakland and El Cerrito Avenues Intersection

On Monday, May 2, the City Council will consider a Contract for the Oakland Avenue & El Cerrito Avenue Intersection Pedestrian Improvement Project to Pacific General Engineering, in the amount of $25,500. Total construction cost is estimated at $28,050.

In recent months, the City has received several complaints regarding unsafe conditions for pedestrians using the crosswalks at the intersection of Oakland Avenue and El Cerrito Avenue.

This intersection (as well as several others along Oakland Avenue) were identified as higher priority projects in the adopted Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. Based on observation at this intersection, the Public Works Department has looked into installing Pedestrian Crossing Signs with rapid flashing LED lights around the perimeter of the sign for high visibility. The LED lights are activated when a pedestrian pushes a crossing button. The lights are solar powered, similar to the speed signs recently installed along Oakland Avenue. The plans for this project as prepared by the City Engineer is attached as Exhibit A to this report.

In accordance with Sections 2.155-2.158 of the City’s Municipal Code, three contractors were approach and asked to provide bids. The contractors included Pacific General Engineering, Interstate Grading and Paving, and Granite Rock. Bids were received from Pacific General Engineering and Interstate Grading and Paving. Granite Rock declined to submit a bid, as they indicated they would have to subcontract out the majority of the work.

The two bids received for this work ranged in priced from $25,500 to $35,314, with the low bid submitted by Pacific General Engineering.

Based on information received, staff has examined the bid submitted by Pacific General Engineering and found it to be in conformance with the requirements of what was requested in the bid information. Based on the bids received and in accordance with the Public Contract Code requirements, staff is recommending that the Council authorize award of the Oakland & El Cerrito Ave. Intersection Pedestrian Improvement Project contract to Pacific General Engineering based on their low bid of $25,500.

If approved, the work is estimated to be completed prior to June 30, 2016.

This project would be funded from Measure B and BB Bicycle and Pedestrian monies. Based on the bids received, staff is recommending the following overall budget:

By: Chester Nakahara, Public Works Director John Wanger, City Engineer

One Response to “Flashing Pedestrian Signs at Oakland and El Cerrito Avenues Intersection”

  1. Is there any enforceable vehicle code section that forces traffic to stop when faced with one of these devices when lit up? I have been told that the flashing lights on the pavement at pedestrian crossings do not have enforcement provisions.

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