$283,594 Current Construction Estimate for Kingston Linda Rose Triangle
Council Asked to Authorize Contract with Ray’s Electric
The Kingston-Linda-Rose Triangle is on the City Council July 5 agenda. The Council will receive a report recommending authorization of a contract with Ray’s Electric for their “base bid of $207,362. ” Three ornamental street lamps will be a feature of the Triangle.
The Capital Improvement Project Review Committee stated in their June 2016 recommendation to the City Council the following:
Linda/Kingston Triangle: $175,000 (As proposed by the CIP Review Committee)
This project was conceived many years ago and began to gain traction with the increased neighborhood involvement in 2013. The execution of this project will benefit the local residents and the City of Piedmont in many ways. It will foster increased safety for pedestrians, help mitigate traffic speed, increase awareness of drivers, remove unnecessary paving, and create an improved gateway into Piedmont. It should be noted that this project is the focus of the Piedmont Beautification Foundation’s spring fundraising efforts, thus promoting another public/private partnership for improvements that benefit the residents of Piedmont.
The Linda-Kingston Neighborhood has pledged $4,610, Piedmont Garden Club has pledged $2,000, and the Piedmont Beautification Foundation (PBF) has pledged a total of $31,305 toward the current estimated construction budget for the Triangle of $283,594.
- CIP Fund: $ 140,650
- Measure B Bike/Ped (Fund #131): $ 65,689
- Gas Tax Fund (Fund #121): $ 39,340
- Private Pledges: $ 37,915
- Total Available Funding $ 283,594
The project provides a pedestrian triangle for pedestrians crossing from the City of Oakland side of the intersection to Piedmont along the southwest side in order to approximate the short pedestrian crossings across Rose and Kingston Avenues on the northeast side of Linda Avenue. It is hoped to also auto traffic. The traffic study by traffic engineer consultant Kittelson & Associates, Inc. “made a stronger justification for the installation of “stops” at each intersection where there currently were none.” Following extensive Piedmont staff coordination with the City of Oakland, Stops were installed in October 2015.
The “current estimated construction budget ” in the staff report does not include the scope of services, leaving it unclear who will provide the masonry work, the landscaping and installation of the irrigation system.
The expense of the staff time devoted thus far and continuing is not included in the project budget presented. For example, extensive staff negotiations with the City of Oakland and the new Parks and Projects Manager developed the Final Landscape Plan and is coordinating “the design of the irrigation system with our consultant…”
Read the staff report here.
Read the Kittelson & Associates, Inc Kingston-Linda-Rose Triangle report here.