Renewed Proposal for All Way Stop Signs at 10 Piedmont Intersections: Second Council Consideration
Safety dominates the plan to install stop signs.
Two weeks ago the Council deliberated on various stop signs to be installed at vulnerable intersections for pedestrians, including school children, and vehicles. Some neighbors to the proposals were pleased with the proposals; whereas, some thought the stop signs were problematic. Speakers stated the lack of notification from the City of the proposals. The Council directed the staff to return to various sites and evaluate their appropriateness along with costs that would allow flexibility.
The staff returned with an almost identical plan with the exception of further study for the eliminated intersection at Dormidera Avenue and Mountain Avenue, and the addition of an all way stop at the intersection of Saint James Drive and Hampton Road.
Prior to the beginning of the regular school calendar in approximately 2 weeks, the City staff has urged moving ahead with the stop sign installations and concurrent pavement striping.
All of the proposed intersections were not included in the recently adopted Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan; however, the approved Plan provides for flexibility as new issues arise.
Read the current 24 page staff report here.
The total expense was previously estimated at $55,857, including a 15% contingency to be funded by Measure B and BB funds. The new estimate for the work is $26,086 with 10 intersections to be included.
DISCUSSION for the August 1 meeting: Based on the directive of the City Council at the July 18, 2016 meeting, the City Engineer developed plans for inclusion of the intersection at Hampton Road and St. James Drive in the proposed list, and to include this in the solicitation of bids. Additionally, based on resident concerns expressed at the July 18th meeting, it was decided by staff to postpone a decision on the intersection at Mountain Avenue and Dormidera Avenue pending further study of both traffic and parking in this area. The diagrams for each of the proposed intersections prepared by the City Engineer is attached as Exhibit B. Based on the engineer’s estimate, and in accordance with the City’s purchasing policy, informal bids were requested from various contractors. Striping Graphics was the only contractor to respond. Their bid was $28,424. Deleting the costs for the Mountain Ave. & Dormidera Ave. intersection improvements ($2,338), brings the revised total contract to $26,086. Striping Graphics is a company that has done work for the City of Piedmont for over 20 years. They are fully qualified and have consistently completed projects for the city in a professional manner. The city’s standard contract is attached as Exhibit C. City Administrator Paul Benoit
Read the current 24 page staff report here.
Read the prior staff report here.
The matter will be considered at the August 1, 2016 Council meeting. It will be broadcast live starting at 7:30 p.m.
Agenda for the meeting > here.