Sep 13 2016

ELECTION: Bob McBain Seeks Second Term on City Council

Vice Mayor McBain describes Council accomplishments.

I’ve had the privilege of serving on the Piedmont City Council for the past four years.These years are marked by significant achievements. I’m seeking reelection to continue to build on the constructive steps that we have taken to improve Piedmont. I believe that my experience and leadership have helped produce strong results for our community. As an incumbent, I’m proud to run on both my record and my commitment to continue to offer open-minded, collegial and productive leadership.

  • Since 2012 the Council has taken actions that strengthened City’s finances, controlled costs and addressed long-term liabilities.   For instance, the city will save almost $1 million annually from restructured employee benefits. The CALPERS side-fund–an expensive pension obligation—was refinanced and will ultimately save the City more than $1 million. Further, council adopted the strong advice of the 2007 and 2011 Municipal Tax Review Committees and the 2015 Budget Advisory and Financial Planning Committee that recommended, given volatile real estate-related taxes, the City council must budget conservatively and establish strong reserves. Council has taken those steps and funded facilities maintenance, equipment replacement and long-term pension and health care obligations. And we have taken major steps to address deferred maintenance and our obsolete and unreliable technology. The City’s financial condition has improved materially during the past four years.
  • In 2012, citizens were anxious about city projects and the associated unplanned expenses. Council adopted risk management policies to ensure projects are well-planned and fiscally sound.
  • In 2012 and early 2013, crime increased significantly. Council responded by bringing in a talented chief, Ricki Goede; we supported her efforts to fully staff, train and equip a responsive and professional public safety organization. In that context Council provided resources to improve technology, such as the highly effective License Plate Readers.  Council supported the Public Safety Committee and the Fire Department in establishing updated community-wide Emergency Preparedness programs.
  • Four years ago, no one anticipated that most of the City’s senior staff would retire.  In response, the Council hired experienced, talented professionals to replace retiring City staff. The commitment to provide a high level of professional service continues across the City departments.
  • The Council finalized an EPA settlement and restarted the sewer replacement project without increasing sewer taxes. This is a major step environmentally and also puts the City on a fiscally sound and aggressive path to meet it legal obligations.
  • Finally, the Council initiated several important community projects; Hampton Field Renovation, Linda/Kingston Triangle, Ramona/Ronada Triangle and refurbished Community Center. These projects all benefit the entire community.

I was liaison to the Planning, Park and Recreation Commissions and Police and Fire Pension Board.  Previously, I was Chairman of the Recreation Commission, member of the Municipal Tax Review Committee, Board member of the Piedmont Education Foundation and held leadership positions in numerous school and youth sports organizations. My wife and I have lived in Piedmont for 27 years and raised three children here. My career in finance and management along with my broad community experience allows me to provide constructive leadership and listen to all viewpoints. I look forward to another four years of service and building on the strong results of the past four years.


Bob McBain

Vice Mayor, City of Piedmont

Please visit my website for more information and endorsers.

Editors Note:  While welcoming candidate information, the Piedmont Civic Association does not support or oppose candidates for public office. 

One Response to “ELECTION: Bob McBain Seeks Second Term on City Council”

  1. While I commend many of Mr. McBain’s efforts on behalf of Piedmont, I am surprised he would remind residents of one of City Hall’s most notorious efforts in its 2012 attempt to fleece Piedmont resident of $11M. In 2012 City Hall asked for $11M in additional sewer taxes to complete the mainline sewers. The 2011 Stipulated Order and my email correspondence with the EPA confirmed that the EPA was not requiring mainline replacement in the time frame alleged by City Hall. Further extensive work by Piedmont Civic Association revealed many of the compliance costs had been grossly exaggerated. The 2014 Budget and Finance Committee Report estimated the shortfall at $1.2M – $1.4M. Even that number proved excessive as a simple one time transfer to the Sewer Fund of $1M in 2014 will complete the mainline sewer rehabilitation by 2023. To suggest that City Hall did us a favor in 2014 by not asking for additional taxes completely ignores the entirely unnecessary Eleven Million Dollars asked for in 2012.

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