Oct 3 2016

Opinion: Endorsement of School Bond Measure H1


The League of Women Voters of Piedmont has voted to endorse Measure H1, the Piedmont School Improvement/Modernization Bond.

The endorsement is based on presentations to the LWVP board as well as the League sponsored General Election Voter Forum on September 20, 2016.

Don’t forget to vote on November 8.

Last day to register is October 24, 2016.

Submitted by Piedmont League of Women Voters

Editors Note:  The Piedmont Civic Association does not support or oppose specific ballot measures.

2 Responses to “Opinion: Endorsement of School Bond Measure H1”

  1. No surprise here. The Piedmont LWV constantly and non-objectively supports the School District finance schemes. The recent LWV Forum went so far as to only present the proponent viewpoint on H1 with no time limit.

    In 2012 the LWV endorsed the current School tax, the most expensive in the state, without even waiting for the opponent ballot statement to come out or meeting with opponents. The Piedmont LWV early on in that campaign met with the School Tax Campaign Co-Chair and then endorsed the new School parcel tax despite the old tax having 16 months to run and the new sharply regressive tax did not need to be immediately put before the voters.

    The LWV should no longer masquerade as a neutral presenter of both sides of voter issues when it comes to local school financing.

  2. I notice that the League of Women Voters does not state the reasons WHY they endorse Measure H1. Not all of us are available for assorted meetings, forums, and presentations, so it would have been very helpful had they stated their reasons. They do not mention the COST of this measure to each home owner, which would also have been a helpful piece of information.
    Lauren Field

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