City Council: Elimination of Recreation Department Transportation, New Full Time Planner, Council Liaisons
The Council faces a full agenda on December 19, 2016, broadcast will be on Channel 27 and via the City website. The Council will vote on elimination of Recreation Department transport of participants, addition of a full time Planning Technician, and a loan mechanism to pay for sewer work (see separate article.)
Agenda items:
Political appointments chosen by the Mayor to represent Piedmont on various Boards:
12/19/16 – Approval of Council Liaison Assignments through 12/31/17
Piedmont’s Planning Department continues to grow as a full time Technician is added to the Department. At a recent Planning Commission meeting, five Planning Department employees were present.
12/19/16 – Authorization to Add a Full Time Planning Technician Position
Elimination of transport by the Recreation Department of juvenile participants:
12/19/16 – Report from the Recreation Director on the Discontinuation of Transportation Services
With a new Police Chief appointed from within the Police Department, a vacancy has occurred in the Police Captain position: