Cameras at Hampton Park: Questions and Answers
Based on reader inquiries, PCA asked City Clerk John Tulloch to provide answers to questions regarding the installation of cameras at Hampton Park. Below are the questions and answers followed by an excerpt from the minutes of the April 3, 2017 City Council meeting.
Please see the following responses to your questions about the proposal to install Public Safety Cameras at Hampton Park. Please note that at its meeting of April 3rd, the Council did not approve the installation of public safety cameras at Hampton Park. The Council did approve a policy governing use of public safety cameras for the City’s existing cameras in and around the Police Department. John Tulloch, City Clerk
Q: When will the matter be considered further by the Council?
A: There is no date set at this time for further consideration of Public Safety Cameras by the Council.
Q: Who first proposed the installation of cameras at Hampton Park?
A: The installation of cameras at Hampton Park has been a matter of discussion between the Police and Public Works departments for several months.
Q: Who is in charge of the proposed camera plan?
A: The Police and Public Works Departments are jointly managing the proposal.
Q: Will there be any community outreach on the proposal other than at a Council meeting?
A: If this matter is taken up again, additional outreach would be at the discretion of the Council.
Q; How much will the cameras cost to install and maintain?
A: Please see page Agenda Report Page 2 of the staff report on this matter on the city’s web site at:
Q: How will the recordings be preserved?
A: Please see Agenda Report Page 5 of the aforementioned Agenda Report.
Q: Have there been incidents at the Park indicating security problems?
A: The City and its residents invested a tremendous amount for the refurbishment of Hampton Park. The cameras were intended as a preventative measure, as well as evaluation of the technology available. Subsequent to Council consideration of the item on April 3rd, there was a vandalism incident at the park.
Q: Are cameras proposed for any other parks or recreation facilities?
A: Please see Please see Agenda Report Page 3 of the aforementioned Agenda Report.
Q: Have there been security concerns at any other City facilities?
A: The City continually evaluates security at each of its facilities.
Sincerely, John O. Tulloch, City Clerk
City of Piedmont
120 Vista Avenue
Piedmont, California 94611
Phone: (510) 420-3040
Fax: (510) 653-8272~~~~~~~~~~~
Below are the approved City Council Minutes of April 3, 2017 regarding Public Safety Cameras:
Public Safety Camera System at Hampton Park
City Administrator Benoit explained technology serving as a tool to the Police Department and enhancing public safety. With the recent renovation of Hampton Park and relative affordability, staff was proposing leasing a camera system to monitor Hampton Park to evaluate the use and efficacy of Public Safety Cameras in Piedmont. If approved, staff would report back to the Council after a year of use.
Chief Jeremy Bowers discussed the ways in which public safety cameras enhanced public safety. Cameras at Hampton Park would provide the opportunity to protect the significant investment made at the park. He reviewed the implications of public safety cameras and proposed policy explaining that the use of cameras and balance of personal privacy rights. He stated the purpose was to evaluate, strategize, analyze data, and provide a recommendation to the Council after a year of use. He explained the components of the technology and policy regarding use by other than Police personnel.
Public Testimony was received from:
Susy Struble stated her belief that substantial justification had not been presented for the installation of Public Safety Cameras. She stated her desire for a long community discussion regarding the use of cameras which would include parents, children and high school students.
Rick Schiller expressed concern about installation in parks as a surveillance tool. He stated additional discussion was necessary, but that he was strongly opposed at this point.
Councilmembers McBain and Wieler indicated support for the cameras, on a trial basis, for the purpose of protecting the City’s investment at Hampton Park.
Councilmember Rood suggested adopting the policy to govern the existing cameras and to forego any approval of installation at Hampton Park until more community input was received. He suggested alternative installation of Public Safety cameras on the commercial stretch of Grand Avenue.
Councilmember Cavenaugh stated she was open to technology and focused on public safety but wanted to ensure that this was not a solution implemented prior to a strategy being approved. She stated her desire for a great deal of public input on this topic prior to approval.
Resolution No. 23-17
RESOLVED, that the City Council approves implementation of Public Safety Camera System at Hampton Park and a Public Safety Camera Policy.
Moved by McBain, Seconded by Wieler
Ayes: McBain, WielerNoes: Cavenaugh, Rood Absent: King MOTION FAILED
Resolution No. 24-17
RESOLVED, that the City Council approves of the proposed public safety camera policy.
Moved by Rood, Seconded by McBain
Ayes: McBain, Rood, WielerNoes: Cavenaugh Absent: King