May 1 2017

Grand Avenue Commercial Zone Activism Produces Changes to Proposed Regulations

Public participation on Piedmont’s Commercial/Mixed Use Zone D regulations on Grand Avenue has generated potential changes.  The Civic Center Commercial/Mixed Use Zone D will remain designated for increased development as previously approved by the City Council.

Approximately twenty participants attended the prior Grand Avenue Commercial/Mixed Use Zone D workshop (April 19, 2017).  The draft changed regulations will be discussed further on:

Wednesday, May 3rd – 6:00 p.m. at the Kehilla Community Synagogue, Fireside Room, 1300 Grand Avenue, Piedmont. Enter on Fairview Avenue through the gate.

The changes appear to be more restrictive for development and more compatible with existing residential neighborhoods.  Those interested in the final proposal will find the May 3rd meeting important. 

Civic Center Commercial/Mixed Use Zone –

Unlike the Grand Avenue Commercial Zone, the Civic Center Commercial/Mixed Use Zone at Highland and Vista Avenues, has already been approved for more development based on 2017 action by the City Council. The properties near or next to the schools (Havens, PHS, PMS, MHS) and residences in the center of Piedmont drew little participation regarding potential impacts including the Piedmont School District, the greater community, or neighboring residents.

A Potential Legal Issue Remains –

A potential legal issue continues based on the City Council changing all of Piedmont’s Commercial Zones to Commercial/Mixed Use without voter approval as noted in Piedmont’s > City Charter. (*See note below at end of this article.)


Following the first workshop on the Grand Avenue Commercial /Mixed Use Zone D, changes have been proposed by the Planning staff. Click below to view the proposed changes for Grand Avenue:

 >  Draft Amendments Grand Avenue Subarea 5-3-2017

Editors Note:  The date of the next workshop is noted incorrectly on the Planning Department draft changes documents.  The workshop is May 3 NOT May 1. 


Letter from Planning Director:

The City of Piedmont will hold the second of two community workshops to consider the Planning Commission’s recommended revisions to the regulations for the thirteen properties along Grand Avenue that are in the City’s commercial/mixed-use zone (Zone D). The regulations under consideration are those related to structure and landscape coverage, building height, setback requirements, and parking. In addition, city staff is recommending a revision to the density of multi-family dwelling units allowed in Zone D mixed-use developments: from the current 12 dwelling units per acre (1 unit per 3,630 SF of lot area) to a proposed 20 dwelling units per acre (1 unit per 2,178 SF of lot area), which would be in conformance with the > Piedmont General Plan. [See note at end of this article]*

Approximately 20 Piedmonters attended the first community workshop on April 19th and participated in a lively discussion. With the comments provided by the participants, City staff has drafted amendments to the Commission’s recommended revisions that address resident’s concerns. The second workshop will be a follow-up to the first workshop and will provide an opportunity for members of the public to review and discuss the proposed amendments. The schedule and location of the second community workshop is as follows:

Follow-Up Community Workshop

You can find more information on the Planning Commission’s recommended revisions to the regulations for the City’s commercial/mixed-use zone (Zone D) by visiting the City’s webpage on the topic.

You are encouraged to provide your comments by attending the workshop and/or by submitting written comments by noon, Wednesday May 3, 2017. You can submit your comments to me, or on paper to 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611.


On March 20, 2017 the Piedmont City Council unanimously adopted a comprehensive update to land use regulations in the City Code. The revised Chapter 17, Planning and Land Use, will be in effect April 19, 2017. However, in taking action to adopt the comprehensive update, the City Council determined that more time was needed to consider the Planning Commission’s recommended revisions to regulations for the Grand Avenue subarea of Zone D, the commercial/mixed use zone. Thus, the regulations for the Grand Avenue Zone D subarea related to structure and landscape coverage, building height, setback requirements, and parking were not updated to allow for additional public engagement and consideration. In addition, city staff will introduce a recommended revision to the density of multi-family dwelling units allowed in Zone D. The two community workshops have been scheduled to provide public engagement and comment before Council takes up the matter again.

Relevant Documents

Please follow the link below to find the regulations in Chapter 17 effective April 19, 2017. Regulations related to structure and landscape coverage, building height, and setback requirements in zone D are found in code section 17.26.050 on pages 18-19. Zone D parking regulations are found in code section 17.30.030, pages 23-24.

>   Chapter 17, Planning and Land Use (Not Codified)

The revisions to Chapter 17, Planning and Land Use recommended by the Planning Commission and being introduced by city staff are shown in tracked changes format in the following document.

>   Recommend Revisions to Divisions 17.26 and 17.30 of Chapter 17, Planning and Land Use

Public Participation

Members of the public are encouraged to participate throughout this process by submitting comments and attending the meetings. Written comments may be submitted to Kevin Jackson, Director of Planning, or 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611. All meetings have been publicly noticed. In addition, staff maintains a list of community members who wish to receive notices and copies of reports directly via email. Anybody who wishes to be added to the list related to revisions to City Code Chapter 17 may contact Planning Director Kevin Jackson at or (510) 420-3039.

*Piedmont’s General Plan was approved by the City Council.  Piedmonters did not vote on the General Plan.   Where inconsistencies between the General Plan and the > City Charter present, the City Charter controls. 

< For more PCA coverage on zoning issues, use the PCA search engine on the left side of this page and insert the word  “zoning.”

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