Piedmont, GET READY for an EMERGENCY
The recent tragedies of Harvey, Irma, and wildfires remind Piedmonters – it is time to prepare for an emergency! Piedmont’s close proximity to earthquake faults and potential raging wildfires are ongoing reasons to prepare.
Click for preparation checklist HERE.
A booklet, GET READY, PIEDMONT! was prepared for all Piedmonters. The booklet is online HERE.
Piedmont is fortunate to have its own Public Safety Committee appointed by the Piedmont City Council. The Council charge to the Committee can be read HERE.
Roster of the Public Safety Committee
Council Liaison: Jen Cavenaugh (H) 428-1442
Chief of Police Jeremy Bowers (W) 420-3010
Fire Chief Bud McLaren (W) 420-3030
Andrea Swenson, School Board Appointee
Lori Elefant
Ryan Gilbert
Garrett Keating
Chris Houlder
Gina Scialabba
Lynne Wright
Additional information below:
Get Ready, Piedmont – Disaster Preparedness Brochure & Checklist
The Piedmont Public Safety Committee has prepared the Get Ready, Piedmont disaster preparedness guide. This document provides comprehensive information on preparation for and response to, earthquakes, fires, landslides, and other emergencies. The guide is 50 pages in length with checklists and illustrations on things like turning off utilities, food and water storage, first aid materials, seismic measures etc. This document is available by clicking here as well as on the Public Safety Committee and Fire Department pages of the site. Printed copies are available at the Fire Department.
Also available is the four page checklist which provides a ready reference on steps to take in the event of an earthquake or wildfire as well as general guidance on disaster preparedness and crime prevention. Printed copies are available at the Fire Department.