Oct 3 2017

Elizabeth Smegal Andersen Appointed to Fill Council Vacancy

“Betsy” Smegal Andersen grew up in Piedmont and attended Piedmont schools.   Betsy followed her mother, Sue Smegal,  in becoming active in Piedmont community issues. Her mother, served on the Piedmont School Board and is well known for civic participation.  Sister-in-law, Cory Smegal is the newest member of the Piedmont School Board.

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After graduating from Piedmont High School, Betsy attended Duke University and went on to UCLA School of Law.  She practices law in San Francisco.  Read about her law practice HERE.

Betsy and her husband, Robert, have two children in the Piedmont schools.

With Betsy’s appointment to the unexpired term of former councilmember Jeff Wieler, the Council will add a third woman to the five member Council.  Betsy’s long time involvement in Piedmont governmental processes and public policy decision-making will add another experienced member to the Piedmont City Council.


City Press Release: At a special meeting held on October 2, 2017, Elizabeth Smegal Andersen was unanimously appointed to fill a vacancy on the Piedmont City Council.

After conducting interviews with twelve candidates, the Council chose Ms. Andersen to fill a term that will end when the results of the General Municipal Election of November 6, 2018 are certified, which likely will take place at the first Council meeting in December, 2018.

Prior to her appointment, Councilmember Andersen served on the Recreation Commission, beginning in 2014 and was the body’s Chair from 2016 until she was appointed to the Council. She has been an active volunteer for many years, also having served on the Aquatics Steering Committee and Public Safety Committee as well as several other community organizations, including the League of Women Voters and Piedmont Recreational Facilities Organization, among others.

The vacancy on the Council was created by the resignation of Councilmember Jeffrey Wieler on September 5, 2017.

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