Feb 4 2018
Reminder of Community Workshops on Diversity
Dear Editor,
At times we are defined by our differences, instead of drawn together by our shared humanity. It doesn’t have to be this way. There is a way for each of us to be our unique selves while also building community.
In our town, we have the opportunity to create a safe place for civil discourse, build bridges between affinity groups, and develop skills of compassionate listening.
In a partnership with Piedmont Unified School District, the City of Piedmont, and Piedmont Appreciating Diversity Committee (PADC), we have created a two-part workshop series to do just that. It’s called “Let’s Talk!” because we believe facilitated dialogue among diverse individuals is the place to start the conversation. We are looking forward to meeting a broad cross-section of our town, including friends, neighbors, teens, parents, retirees, empty-nesters, newcomers, city and school staff, and you!
The Workshops (February 5, 10 and 11) and Community Lunch are free and open to everyone. Please register online through PADC”s website (http://www.padc.info/lets- talk-workshops.html). All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you there.
Jen Cavenaugh, Piedmont City Council
Teddy Gray King, Piedmont Vice Mayor
Doug Ireland, PUSD School Board
Bob McBain, Piedmont Mayor
Sarah Pearson, PUSD School Board President
Tim Rood, Piedmont City Council
Betsy Smegal Andersen, Piedmont City Council
Cory Smegal, PUSD School Board
Amal Smith, PUSD School Board
Andrea Swenson, PUSD School Board