Want to Observe a City Meeting? Some Require Your Presence Others Are Broadcast
Many public City meetings are broadcast live via the City website at > http://www.ci.piedmont.ca.us/video/ or on Cable Channel 27. These meetings can be viewed after the meetings from video recordings found on the City website. Many other meetings are not broadcast requiring those interested in the subject matter to be physically present to observe the meetings.
Below are a list of the City’s selection of which meetings in March 2018 will or will not be recorded and broadcast.
- City Council March 5 meeting video can be found > HERE.
- Wednesday March 7 Park Commission 5:30 pm Chambers
- Monday March 12 Planning Commission 5:00 pm Chambers
- Monday March 19 City Council 7:30 pm Chambers
- Wednesday March 21 Recreation Commission 7:30 pm Chambers
- Tuesday March 6 CIP Review Committee 7:00 pm Conference Room – (CIP Committee deliberates on which capital projects to recommend for funding by the City Council. This is an expense related committee.)
- Thursday March 15 City Council Special Meeting 5:30 pm Conference Room Interviews of applicants for Commission and Committee Appointments. (Open to everyone but seldom observed by Piedmonters.)
- Tuesday March 20 City / School Liaison 4:00 pm Conference Room (Representatives from the City Council and School Board discuss subjects of mutual interest as safety, facilities, etc. and return to their respective bodies to share information. Meeting is open to the public.)
- Tuesday March 20 CIP Review Committee 7:00 pm Conference Room ( Deliberations continue on funding choices. This is an expense related committee. )
- Thursday March 29 Public Safety Committee 5:30 pm Chambers.
All public meetings are open to the public to observe and participate. Exception: Closed Sessions.
Agendas for meetings will be posted in City Hall and the Piedmont Police Department at least 72 hours prior to each meeting. Agendas for some Council, Commission & appointed Committee meetings are also posted online on the City website http://www.ci.piedmont.ca.us/. Copies of all agendas may be requested from the office of the City Clerk, John O. Tulloch, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont or by calling 510-420-3040.
Notice and agendas of special meetings will be provided by the City at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.