Neighborhood Preparedness for Natural Disasters and Emergencies
Piedmont has a program to help neighborhoods become prepared for natural disasters and emergencies, and to be able to help each other at a time when first responders will likely be flooded with calls.
The City is looking for volunteers to sign up to help organize their block for a meeting, joining the more than 30 other Piedmont neighborhoods that have already done so. The goal is to have every block in Piedmont participate. This is where residents come in.
Communities across America have successfully implemented the “Map Your Neighborhood” (MYN) program to organize and prepare for public safety disasters in their communities. It is focused on neighborhoods with 15-25 adjacent residences (although there is flexibility on either end.)
The Piedmont Public Safety Committee and the Piedmont Fire Department will help facilitate MYN meetings which usually last 90 minutes. MYN provides a ready reference for actions to be taken before and after an earthquake, including mapping neighborhood utility shut-offs, preparing a neighborhood roster, and developing a process to check on the safety of all neighbors, particularly persons who are alone, disabled, elderly or otherwise requiring assistance. The program also provides a process to identify vital skills and resources that may exist in a neighborhood.
If you would be willing to help organize your block, please contact Sheila March at or (510) 420-3010.